Implementing - Visibility for Vitality
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Visibility for vitality. Invites participation in groups, encourages congregational support (including funding and personnel), and keeps Small Group Ministry in the forefront of congregational opportunities. It must be clear how a person can join a group

Internal visibility.
*Brochures about the program, in public or new member racks
*Follow-up letters to visitors, such as including a brochure
*Regular Newsletter articles about the program and featuring groups, contributions, activities
*Regular reports to Board and congregation (e.g. Annual Reports)
*Recognition of leadership (Coordinator, Group Leaders/Facilitators, Committee) including Dedication/Installation
*Worship service at least annually, and mentioned from the pulpit regularly
*Regular and ongoing events to introduce people to Small Group Ministry, such as space at Fellowship Hour, sign up times,
*Small Group Ministry as part of Newcomer events and classes.
*Chair of Committee as part of church leadership
*An event to honor Group Leaders or have an event for all Small Group Ministry participants
*SGM meetings listed on the church calendar.
External visibility. *All of the internal items that reach beyond the congregation
*Notices in local media, like as part of the Sunday ad in local Religion Page and special articles
*Bulletin Board with notations -this is seen by people who are in the building for a variety of meetings.
Web Location and importance
*List Small Group Ministry in a visible place.
*Indicate who to contact to become involved.
*Explain Small Group Ministry and the importance of Small Group Ministry in the congregation.
Web content
*Include testimonials from enthusiastic participants
*Explain the meeting format and how Groups are organized.
*Consider using a Question & Answer format.
*Give examples of discussion topics and a session plan. Or include session plans on the website.


Online Resources Topic
Visibility VISIBILITY FOR VITALITY: Brochures: Content Guidelines and How to Share

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